Individual Fee Options

We believe that it is essential for workshop participants to invest in their own growth, begin to acknowledge their wealth in relation to others, and account for the value of the workshop experience before they join an Intensive Workshop cohort. 


Subsidized Cost of Workshop
Accessible for those with less discretion over annual spending and/or younger women who are beginning their careers and wealth-building.


Full Cost of Workshop
Appropriate for those able to commit to the full cost of the Intensive Workshop without negotiating for this type of discretionary spending.


Expanding the Workshop
Appropriate for those ready to fully invest not only in their own growth and development as change agents but also in the growth and development of the Impact Collective.

Which Tier Is For Me?

We invite you to contemplate the following questions as you consider which tier is right for you.
Empty space, drag to resize

debt? | inheritance? | safety net? | disposable income? | home ownership? | private education? | healthcare?

  • Are you and your family homeowners or landowners?
  • Have you attended private education institutions or do you have an advanced degree?
  • Have you not had difficulty accessing and affording healthcare or health insurance for you or your family members?
  • Do you have zero to no debt and/or do you have disposable income?
  • Do you have a safety net composed of “financially stable” or wealthy family and friends?
  • Does your income only support you, and not other loved ones?
  • Have you or do you expect to inherit money or property?
  • How much discretion do you have over how your family’s money is spent, invested and donated?
  • Do you know which class bracket you are in?
  • Do you have to carefully budget your annual spending in relation to your family’s annual income/net-wealth?
Participating in the Impact Collective Intensive Workshop has been a gift! Meeting a group of like-minded, wealthy, white women who are committed to taking action to close the racial wealth gap has helped me go even farther in my own work. I am so grateful to have participated, and I would wholeheartedly recommend the experience to other wealthy, white women.
Theresa M. Ellis
The Impact Collective Intensive Workshop helped me shift from reading and learning about the seemingly insurmountable problems posed by racism in our society to imagining my own role in making progress to fix these problems, and taking concrete actions to do so.
Janet Nahirny

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Fee Tiers 

We have created individual fee tiers to support accessibility to our workshop. We recognize that even among women with wealth and class privilege, some still have barriers to capital access. We want all women who are interested in the Intensive Workshop to be able to participate, regardless of whether they have limited discretion over or access to their capital or wealth. 

Early Registration Discount: Until July 31, we are offering an optional discount of 50% to all fee tiers.

All tiers offer: 
  • 9 two-hour live sessions with two facilitators
  • 4 expert guest lecturers 
  • 3 hours of personal coaching
  • 3 essential books mailed to your preferred address
  • Countless educational and tactical resources and tools
  • Community of like-minded peers
The Advocate tier of $3,500 reflects the actual cost to deliver the workshop.
Please select the highest tier you feel comfortable with. In making this determination, we ask you to reflect on your wealth in relation to others, account for the value of the workshop experience, and consider the investment in your personal education and growth.

Ally $1,500


Accessible to women with less discretion over annual spending and/or younger women who are beginning their careers and wealth-building.

Advocate $3,500

The actual per-person cost to deliver the workshop. Appropriate for women who are able to commit to the full cost of the Intensive Workshop without negotiating for this sort of discretionary spending.

Activist $8,000

Appropriate for women who are ready to fully invest in their own growth and development as change agents as well as in the growth and development of the Impact Collective.

Payment & Terms

Agree to terms for both the program and online learning platform.
By submitting payment to the Impact Collective, you agree to our program's Confidentiality Agreement as well as the website platform's Terms and Conditions. Please also note that this course fee is not tax-deductible. 

Enter your fee amount into the PayPal form.
You will be redirected to a PayPal form hosted by Philanthropy Massachusetts, the Impact Collective's fiscal sponsor of the . Please enter the fee amount you have decided on and complete the payment process.

Within 48 business hours of your payment, our team will send you an email to confirm your order, outline next steps, and welcome you to the Impact Collective! In the meantime, don't hesitate to email Merit Brent at with any questions or concerns.
Refund Policy: Payment is taken at the time of registration. In the event that you cancel more than 60 days before the program start date or that the program is cancelled, 100% of your payment will be credited to your account. If you cancel less than 60 days before the program start date, 75% of your payment will be credited to your account. Credit may be used for future programs, merchandise, or as a charitable donation to the organization. No refunds will be given, and no credit is available if you do not show up or if you leave a program early.