The Impact Collective routinely offers events that help our community take action to close the racial wealth gap.

Upcoming Events & Programs

The events below are open to our full community of champions, partners, workshop alumni, and those who are just learning about our work.

Open to everyone.
Open to everyone.
Open to everyone.
Open to everyone.
Open to white women with class privilege. 
Open to white men with class privilege. 
Open to all CLTV community members and their partners.
CLTV Intensive Workshop
(Open to those in the Boston-area who identify as white women with class privilege. Learn more about why we focus on this identity and how we define it on our website or via an upcoming information session.)
Workshop Schedule
9 Sessions
Registration Deadline: TBA
Workshop Begins: TBA
Cohort Schedule
The Intensive Workshop—CLTV’s flagship program—is a 9-session course that brings together small cohorts of 6-12 white women with class privilege. The workshop culminates with participants drafting and adopting individual, cohort, and family action commitments and strives to foster an alumni community that endures after the workshop’s completion.

Past Events

  • Couples Workshop with Ethan Kerr
  • Wealth, Wellbeing, and Identity with Katya Smyth
  • Place-Based Investing to Close the Wealth Divide with Deborah Frieze
  • Finding Ourselves: The Lineage of White Women & Racial Justice with Liz Aeschlimann
  • Surviving a Bear Attack: Strategies for Difficult Conversations About Race with Ken Rogers